
  1. SOLO SHOW - "G" et Larcade Gallery - Paris- 2011
  2. In Mayan Culture, the letter "G" is the perfect symbol for representing the consciousness, the link between the " I " and " We ". In Western Culture, the "G" is perceived as a symbol of pleasure, linked with sex. Through this exhibition, the aim is to show the constant discrepancy between what the Amerindian Cultures share with us, and the perception we have of them.
  3. Does this fact keep us away from the New World's knowledge ?




Serie : "Réflexion Inversée" - 2011 - sublimation (industrial technique) to transfert a picture on polyester

from left to right : Installation "White Tree" 201- composed of garden hose Serie : "Plus de défense ?" 2009 - sublimation of picture on polyester

Serie : "Réflexion inversée" - sublimation picture on polyester